Helestra (143)
VIGOLED emitter modules / housing for control gear / center power supply
236,81 €
ab 154 €

Helestra is one of the traditional companies in Germany. Helestra-Leuchten GmbH was founded as early as 1918 and is now a subsidiary of Schmitz Leuchten GmbH und CO.KG based in Leppersdorf. Today, Helesta is one of the leading companies in the production of luminaires in eastern Germany. The production and development of the luminaires is guided exclusively by the philosophy of Helestra-Leuchten GmbH, which is based on unrestricted variations of light and is also \"Made in Germany\".
After the careful selection of wallpaper and furniture comes the search for the right ceiling light that will make your room shine. An atmospheric lighting concept begins with the selection of the right luminaires. Ceiling lights from Helestra Leuchten are at the same time home accessories, eye-catchers and decorative elements for your living spaces. They bring your lovingly selected furniture, the colors of your wallpaper and curtains in the evening really to the fore. As a central lighting, ceiling lights should be selected in size and shape so that they can evenly illuminate the entire room. Depending on the use of the room, different ceiling lights are the right choice here. A Helestra Leuchten ceiling light with individual spotlights highlights certain areas of a room.