Gütemerkmale: Von Licht und Schatten
© Angelina S........ / pixelio.de

Quality features: Of light and shadow

Without light, objects are not visible at all; without shadows, only two-dimensional images are visible. Only the interplay of light and shadow gives objects the necessary depth; bodies, surfaces and structures can be easily recognized. At the same time, the right mix of light direction and shade ensures visual comfort and a pleasant lighting atmosphere. read more
Leselampen - Eine Leselampe für ruhige Abende
© Domus

Reading lamps - A reading lamp for quiet evenings

Millions of reading lamps illuminate our globe, but not all of these lamps deserve the name: \"reading lamps\", because with some so-called reading lamp, you rather have the feeling that this is emergency lighting in the house. Admittedly, it is a difficult subject, because where a reading lamp can be purchased, various lamps are in operation read more