Küchenbeleuchtung, Küchenleuchten und Küchenbeleuchtung, Küchenlampen
© Rainer Sturm / pixelio.de

Kitchen lighting, kitchen lights and kitchen lighting, kitchen lamps

Light enjoyment in the kitchen through kitchen lamps and kitchen lights. The light in the kitchen is first of all for preparing meals and cooking. But in addition, the kitchen lighting should also be decorative and create more mood and enjoyment. Because today the kitchen is often the room where the family meets in full or you spend a culinary evening together with friends. read more
Licht mal anders
© Sische

Light times differently

With indirect lighting, the shielded light is reflected from walls and/or ceiling. There are several options for indirect room lighting. The light source can be integrated in a ceiling frieze, a wall or curtain screen, as well as mounted in a wall or ceiling washer. read more
Energie sparen - und auch Umwelt geschont?
© Osram

Save energy - and protect the environment too?

Energy-saving lamps are artificial light sources that are similar to incandescent lamps but use less energy for the same brightness. Compact fluorescent lamps are often referred to as energy-saving lamps. Other more energy-efficient light sources are LEDs, high-pressure discharge lamps or coated halogen lamps. read more